
気体の捕集を英語でなんというのか? 調べてみました ~赴任後17カ月~





1.水上置換  Water displacement
2.上方置換    Upward delivery
3.下方置換  Downward delivery


1.水上置換  Water displacement 

This works well for insoluble gases such as hydrogen, or gases that do not dissolve easily in water, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.




2.上方置換  Upward delivery

If a gas is less dense than air, it is often more convenient to collect it in a gas jar or test tube by upward delivery.

The gas produced in a chemical reaction is passed through a delivery tube into the gas jar, where it rises and takes up the space at the top of the jar - pushing the air in the jar down, and out at the bottom.

This works well for hydrogen and ammonia, which are both less dense than air.




3.下方置換  Downward delivery

If a gas is denser than air, it is often more convenient to collect it in a gas jar or test tube by downward delivery.


The gas produced in a chemical reaction is passed through a delivery tube into the gas jar, where it sinks and pushes the air out of the top.

This works well for carbon dioxide and chlorine, which are both denser than air.










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